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Studio Culture interviews — free to download

Like everyone else, designers and design studios are facing unprecedented times at the moment as they navigate a new landscape in light of the coronavirus crisis. And whether you’re adjusting to working from home, self-isolating, or enduring any of the countless new challenges we now face, we wanted to offer a small gesture of community support.

Since last week we’ve been sharing some of the Q&A interviews from our very first book, Studio Culture: The Secret Life of the Graphic Design Studio (2009), as a series of free, downloadable PDFs, in advance of our Kickstarter campaign to publish a follow-up edition, Studio Culture Now.

We hope that these texts not only keep you occupied, but that they offer some advice, inspiration and a bit of much-needed positivity in this difficult time. We're sharing links to the files via Twitter and will be indexing them here in batches so that you can access them as a set.

Each link takes you to our WeTransfer page where you can download a specific interview as a PDF.

Stay safe everyone.

Erik Spiekermann, Edenspiekermann

Kirsty Carter, A Practice for Everyday Life

Milton Glaser

Paula Scher, Pentagram

Michael C Place and Nicky Place, Build

Lizá Defossez Ramalho, R2

Experimental Jetset